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Monday Football PICK-UP/NSU Davie (Summer 2020)

  • Sport: Football
  • Format: 6v6 OPEN
  • Locations: Noel P. Brown Sports Center
  • Days of the week: Tuesday
  • Started on : Started on Tuesday, September 1
  • Dates: 9.1
  • Times: 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Tuesday, September 1

League fee includes colored team shirts for all players, paid referees, staff, online scores and standings, 7 regular season games plus all teams make the playoffs, prizes to the winners, and more!

This league is set as OPEN which means it's COED without the restrictions of COED. Women are welcome to come and play and rules will apply for TD/Points. But teams are not required to field women. NOTE: Women will score more points, so it is advantageous to recruit women to your team.

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies


    • Level: Recreational
    • Age: 18 and Up